Saturday, February 27, 2010

Salon 29/Woodward/Zurich

I just got back to Zurich and I'm exhausted....
I was spending some time in Denver with my new roommate Lacey before I left and had tons of fun! She is one of the best hairdressers I know and got her own salon downtown Denver. Obviously I wanted her to do my hair before I left so I can look good when I'm in Europe;-) lol

I will send you guys the link to her salon soon as she and me will be working together in the future...;-) jep....something new soon!;-) Will keep you posted on that, meanwhile check out her facebook fan page:

I also skated the two days I was in Denver and had a blast as always....can't wait for spring to come to just be skating and progressing!!!! Woodward is amazing....!!!!! Can't wait to get back out to Denver!

Britt and me....soo much fun!!!

I also want to share some photos from my flight from Amsterdam to Zurich with you guys....we were turning for a while cause Zurich airport was a way too busy to land right away and OMG Switzerland looked soo beautiful from up in the sky! The photos aren't the best, I know, but the Alps looked sooo good and it made me realize how pretty Switzerland is......

I will be leaving to Laax on Monday for the Swatch European Open and I'm excited to be skiing the Swiss alps soon....! Will let you know how everything always;-)


Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day to everyone!
I spent my day down in Denver in my new room I'm gonna rent out from my friend Lacey but was more hangover than anything else;-)
Anyways I got two awesome gifts today, one from my friend Lacey and the other....for me to know for you to find out;-)

I hope you've had a great day so far and once again: Happy Valentines Day!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Skating at Woodward in Denver

Today was a fun day, I skied in the morning and then went down to Denver to skate at Woodward...I just love that skatepark down there, it's so big and soo much fun to skate in.
For everyone that hasn't been down there, here some pics from today....

looking pretty steezy with that pink helmet haha....;-) I want one like that to ski with!


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Keystone minishred;-)

The weather here hasn't been that good lately and so I've just been skiing Keystone for the last couple of was an other fun day and I had a blast in the mini park here in Keystone....
As there was nothing else to do I thought I'd take out my camera and ski with it;-) lol


Saturday, February 6, 2010