Saturday, December 20, 2008

Hey there,

Im starting a blog like everyone else ;-)
Anyways as I only post news on my website once a month I thought a blog could be a good thing to do;-)
So here I am....
Im in Frisco right now, wanted to go skiing but its just a way too cold and too stormy to go out there today! I also  was at the Denver nuggets game in Denver last night so I came back quite late and need to rest a bit today;-)
Have fun where ever you are!


  1. nice one mirjam,
    i hope you'll keep us up to date on your whereabouts and how your whole career is evolving. i hope your OK and havin' fun.
    have a nice X-mas and a blast of a new year's eve.
    keep it up,
    bruno, xxxx

  2. Classe Anthony Carmelo :p Vive Denver Aspen Colorado South park haha


    Super Mirjam you rock !
